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This type is the base response type of the getPayoutSummary method, and contains the total count of seller payouts (that match the input criteria), the total count of monetary transactions (order payment, buyer refunds, or seller credits) associated with those payouts, and the total value of those seller payouts.

Types that use PayoutSummaryResponse

Not used by any types.

Call that uses PayoutSummaryResponse


This container shows the total value (and currency type used) of the seller payouts that match the input criteria. This field is not returned if there are no payouts that match the input criteria.
This integer value indicates the total count of payouts to the seller that match the input criteria. This field is always returned, even if there are no payouts that match the input criteria (its value will show 0).
This integer value indicates the total count of monetary transactions (order payments, buyer refunds, and seller credits) associated with the payouts that match the input criteria. This field is always returned, even if there are no payouts that match the input criteria (its value will show 0). If there is at least one payout that matches the input criteria, the value in this field will be at least 1.

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