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This quick reference includes reference topics associated with the Sell Feed API and LMS feed types.

Version details / Schema version

This parameter contains the Version details. This is the version number of the API code that you are programming against (for example, "1235"). The version you specify for a call has the following basic effects:

  • Indicates the version of the code lists and other data that eBay should use to process your request
  • Indicates the schema version you are using
  • The Version field is not required if the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header is included with the version set. Otherwise, the Version must also be specified for each individual request included in the payload, such as in AddFixedPriceItem requests (for example, "1235"). See XML data files overview for more information.

Supported marketplaces

The available LMS feed types are supported in the marketplaces contained in MarketplaceIdEnum.

Available feed types

The Sell Feed API supports the LMS feedTypes listed in the following tables.

Note: Request and response feeds are retained and available for a limited duration. See File retention for details.

Inventory upload feed types

The following upload feed types use the createTask method. Also, use of these feed types requires the access token be created with the authorization code grant flow and the Inventory scope:

Note: FIXED_PRICE feed types (such as LMS_ADD_FIXED_PRICE_ITEM) support fixed-price items with single and multiple variations. Non-fixed price feed types (such as LMS_ADD_ITEM) do not support multiple variations, but does support different listing formats.

LMS feedType and
Trading API request type

Job Detail


Defines new fixed-price item(s) and lists them on a specified eBay site. This feed type only supports fixed-price items (single and multiple variations).


Ends the specified item listing before the date and time at which it would normally end (for example, when the quantity goes to 0).


Use to revise one or more fields in the listing, even after one of the items in the listing has been purchased. See Job Description (left column) for information. (To revise multiple listings, include a ReviseFixedPriceItem request once for each item or listing in your data file, with new information for each item or listing.


Enables a seller to take a fixed-price item that ended and relist it on a specified eBay site. An item may be relisted with the same item properties as the original listing, or the seller may change a number of the item's defining properties at relisting time. The new listing will have a different item ID than the original one.


Acknowledges that the data for a new fixed-price item matches the schema without creating an actual listing.


Defines a new item and lists it on a specified eBay site. This feed type supports different listing formats, but does not support multiple variations (see LMS_ADD_FIXED_PRICE_ITEM).


Ends the specified item listing before the date and time at which it would normally end (per the listing duration or when the quantity of a fixed-price listing goes to 0).


Enables a seller to change the properties of a currently active listing. This feed type supports support different listing formats, but does not support multiple-variation listings.


Enables a seller to relist a listing that has recently ended on a specified eBay site. A seller has up to 90 days to relist an ended listing. When an item is relisted, it will receive a new ItemID value, but this item will remain on other users' Watch Lists after it is relisted.


Enables a seller to specify the definition of a new item and submit the definition to eBay without creating a listing.


Use to modify the price and quantity of listings.

Note: When using the LMS_REVISE_INVENTORY_STATUS upload feed (see Upload flow) to revise the price and/or quantity for multiple SKUs for a multiple-SKU listing, you must include both the ItemID and SKU values to identify each variation in each <InventoryStatus> node.

Fulfillment upload feed types

The following upload feed types use the createTask method. Also, use of these feed types requires the access token be created with the authorization code grant flow and the Fulfillment scope:

LMS feedType and
Merchant Data API request type

Job Detail


Request that acknowledges that an order or an order line item has been received. This feed type can acknowledge an entire order or a single line item within an multiple line item order.


Specifies the shipment tracking information associated with one package of an order, or marks an order as paid or shipped. If multiple packages are required for the order, a separate object must be made for each package.

Report download feed types

The following download feed types use different "create task" methods. Also, use of these feed types requires the access token be created with the authorization code grant flow and the different scopes.

LMS feedType and
Merchant Data API request type

Create Method

Job Detail



A report that contains price and quantity information for all of a seller's listings that match the specified filter criteria. A seller can use this information to maintain their inventory on eBay.



OrderReport shows detailed information on all unacknowledged orders, and all unacknowledged line items in each order from the past 30 days. It can be configured using createOrderTask to have a smaller window like one week or one day.

Scopes: Use of this feed type requires the access token be created with the authorization code grant flow using the applicable scope:

1. Inventory:

2. Fulfillment:


The Feed API is a REST-based API, with Sell API errors. Trading API and LMS errors can also be triggered. The Sell API errors will be returned in the REST call, while Trading API and LMS errors are returned in a downloaded results file (from the getResultFile call). These errors can occur from issues with the uploaded file in the request. See the first column for the feed type in the call from your flow (Inventory upload feed types, Fulfillment upload feed types, and Report download feed types). You should not make edits to objects that were successfully created. For example, for a partially successful AddItemRequest uploaded feed file, you would want to completely remove the successful listings, and revise (or possibly remove) the listings that had issues (as returned by the getResultFile). Basically, remove the objects from the data file that were successful, and modify (or possibly remove) the objects that were not processed successfully.

Active Inventory Report Errors

The following table contains errors that can be passed in through an Active Inventory Report.

Error number Error Class Severity Description


System Error Error

Short message: Internal system error.

Long message: There was a problem with an eBay internal system or process.


Request Error Error

Short message: Listing is on hold.

Long message: This listing is on hold due to a policy violation. Please check your email for more information.

Invalid or Expired Token Error Response

The following example response illustrates the response for invalid or expired token errors.

Feed API

HttpStatus: 401 Unauthorized

ResponseBody: {
  "errors": [
      "errorId": 1001,
      "domain": "OAuth",
      "category": "REQUEST",
      "message": "Invalid access token",
      "longMessage": "Invalid access token. Check the value of the 
      Authorization HTTP request header."


System failures

Note: The messages are localized depending on the seller’s marketplace_id for the following locales: ["en_US", "de_DE", "en_AU", "en_CA", "en_GB", "en_IN", "en_SG", "es_ES", "fr_FR", "it_IT", "ru_RU"].

For system errors, the following error messages will be in the response file:

System Error Scenario Message

Error for cases where a feed processing failed

An error occurred while processing the feed. Please try again. If the issue occurs again, please contact Support Team for assistance.

Error where one/ many records within a file failed to process

An error occurred while processing input record number {0}. Please try again. If the issue occurs again, please contact Support Team for assistance

Error when a report generation failed

An error occurred while generating the report. Please try again. If the issue occurs again, please contact Support Team for assistance.

Errors in the uploaded file

For failed (unsuccessful) tasks, the errors are provided in a GZIP XML archive (downloaded file). Download the result file using taskId and the getResultFile method. Only taskId is required for this operation. Failed tasks include error messages and codes. If any issues or errors are present, learn about them from the downloaded results file. Make edits to your request and then re-upload.

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