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The Sell Feed API lets you generate and retrieve order reports and to acknowledge and clear fulfilled orders from the report.

For basic information on the Feed API flow, see General Sell Feed API tasks (flows).

See API Call Limits for default API rate limits.

Order Feeds

This API supports the following flows:

Feed limits

A data file includes the information that a seller wants to pass to or retrieve from the eBay servers. Each file requires an associated call (LMS_ORDER_REPORT or LMS_ORDER_ACK).

LMS_ORDER_REPORT and LMS_ORDER_ACK can have a maximum of 48 jobs in each 24-hour period. Error 160025 results if this maximum is exceeded. A total number of 10 jobs can concurrently run, regardless of the time period. Error 160024 results if this total is exceeded.

Note: If you are an eBay Certified Provider and you are creating data files for many different sellers, note that you cannot combine the data for several different sellers in a single upload file. Each data file needs to contain data for a single seller, but can contain the data for many listings for that seller.

Each LMS_ORDER_ACK file can acknowledge thousands of listings on the eBay site for a specific seller.

The frequency that each seller can upload or download files varies depends on the call type within the associated data file. See API Call Limits for default (starting) API rate limits. You can increase your request limit by applying for a Compatible Application Check. We expect that most developers will request an increased limit.

All data files have a maximum size limit of 15 MB, no matter how many requests they contain.

Downloading an order report

Note: Order reports are retained and available for a limited duration. See File retention for details.

To download an order report:

  1. Create the order task
    Use the createOrderTask method. Set feedType to LMS_ORDER_REPORT and add the filterCriteria you want for the order report. This method returns the task ID in the location response header. This ID is used in the getOrderTask and getResultsFile methods. Initially, the task status will be QUEUED.
  2. Check the status of the task
    Use the getOrderTask method and the order task ID to retrieve the status of the order task. When the status is COMPLETED or COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR, you can download the order report file.
  3. Download the report
    Use the getResultFile method and the order task ID to download the order report. This method downloads the order report.

    Refer to OrderReport for definitions of the fields in the returned OrderReport file. Download a sample file here: OrderReport sample.

Submitting an order acknowledgment file

To submit an order acknowledgment file:

  1. Create the task
    Use the createTask method and set feedType to LMS_ORDER_ACK. This method returns the task ID in the location response header. This ID is used in the uploadFile and getTask methods. Initially, the task status will be CREATED.
  2. Upload a file
    Use the uploadFile method to upload the order acknowledgment file and associate this file with the upload task created in step 1. For the structure of the file to be uploaded, refer to OrderAck. To upload the file, specify the task ID and the filename.

    The order acknowledgment file indicates the orders you have received and are processing or fulfilling. After this file has been processed, only the unacknowledged orders will be returned in the next order report.

    This method returns an HTTPS status. Reports often take time to generate and it's common for this method to return an HTTP status of 202, which indicates the report is being generated. Use the getTask with the task ID or getTasks to determine the status of a report.

  3. Check the status of the task
    Use the getTask method and the task ID to retrieve the status of the task.

    The status flow is QUEUED > IN_PROCESS > COMPLETED or COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR. When the status is COMPLETED or COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR, this indicates the file has been processed and the result file can be downloaded by calling the getResultFile method. Download a sample file here: OrderAck sample.

    If there are errors, they will be indicated in the report file.

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