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The ReturnDelivered notification is sent to the subscribed buyer and seller when the item associated with the eBay managed return is received by the seller.

These notifications are set in the SetNotificationPreferences call.

Before using these notifications, be sure that you have read and understood the information in Platform Notifications.

Data Fields Returned

API Call that displays this notification: getReturnDetail

ExternalUserData is pulled from the SetNotificationPreferences request. Refer to the SetNotificationPreferences call reference for additional information about this field.

For information about additional fields in the payload, refer to the getReturnDetail call reference documentation in the Return Management API documentation set.

Refer to SOAP Message Body for information about the standard elements returned for all notifications.


Sample ReturnDelivered Notification

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="http://">