eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers which provides benefits such as fast free domestic shipping and free returns on selected items.

Important! eBay Plus applies only to domestic shipping in Germany and Australia. Buyers in Germany and Australia can enroll in eBay Plus on their My eBay page for an annual fee.

eBay Plus offers benefits to both buyers and sellers. For more information, refer to:


In order to participate in eBay Plus, sellers must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Sellers must have a rating of Above Standard or higher to participate in eBay Plus.
  • Sellers must offer either same-day or one-day handling on eBay Plus orders.
  • Must have a 30-day or 60-day return policy.

Sellers who have opted in to eBay Plus can set all listings to offer — or not to offer— eBay Plus by default. Additionally, sellers can add or remove the eBay Plus offer on a listing-by-listing basis subject to the following qualifications:

  • Currently, the item location must be Germany or Australia.
  • The listing must be fixed price.
  • The item cannot be shipped by Freight.

When offered, eBay Plus will appear only on qualifying listings.

For additional information and requirements, refer to Selling with eBay Plus.


  1. Buyers can enroll in eBay Plus through My eBay. Buyers pay an annual fee for the program.
  2. Eligible sellers can opt in to eBay Plus through My eBay. This does not obligate them to offer eBay Plus in any listing. A German seller can choose to enable eBay Plus or not in a qualified listing. In Australia, eBay Plus eligible sellers do not make the ultimate decision on whether the item will surface as an eBay Plus item. Instead, eBay will make this determination. All that the seller can do is to make sure that the item/listing meets all eBay Plus requirements.
  3. To determine whether a seller can offer eBay Plus in qualified listings, call GetUserPreferences with ShoweBayPLUSPreference set to true. The eBayPLUSPreference container is returned with information about the countries where the seller is eligible to offer eBay Plus on listings (one eBayPLUSPreference container per country), as well as the seller's opt-in status and listing preference for each country. A ListingPreference value of true indicates that the seller will offer eBay Plus by default for new listings in the specified country.
  4. Create a fixed-price listing of the item using one of the Add calls. Set the Item.eBayPlus field to true to offer eBay Plus in the listing. This field is only usable by sellers on the Germany marketplace, and not Australia.
  5. To verify that the newly-created listing has actually been enabled with eBay Plus, use the GetItem call and check for a true value in the Item.eBayPlusEligible field.
  6. When calling GetOrders (or other order management calls), the ContainseBayPlusTransaction field will be returned as true at the transaction level to indicate if an order line item qualified for eBay Plus treatment. This particular order line item must be shipped according to eBay Plus requirements, which means that the seller must ship that item out on the same day (as long as buyer made the Cutoff time deadline).