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Published: November 18 2009, 1:17:00 PMUpdated: September 07 2022, 4:21:57 AM

I am trying to list a multi-variations item but why I'm getting the following error -

<LongMessage>Variation Specifics provided does not match with the variation specifics of the variations on the item.</LongMessage>


Use Case :1 One of the reasons you may be getting this error is because your VariationSpecificsSet does not match the actual Variations. The VariationSpecificsSet should list all the variation combinations.

Here is a snippet of the relevant section of my AddFixedPriceItem call -







Your variations have the piece in Yellow available in the following sizes - XS, S, M, L, but the VariationSpecificsSet only mentions XS. The Variations should be an equal set or a subset of the VariationSpecificsSet.

If the VariationSpecificsSet in the request is sent as below, the listing should go through fine :


Use Case 2: 
Another reason you may be getting this error is if you have mentioned Incorrect trait name in the Revise request.

For example : Lets assume you originally listed item with following VariationSpecificsSet :

- <VariationSpecificsSet>
- <NameValueList>
- <NameValueList>

But while Revising the item, you mentioned an incorrect variation name as compared to your original listing. Lets say the ReviseItem request looks something like this :


If you notice, the trait names are different here i.e. in the original listing the variation names were Size and Color resp and while revising these are being sent in caps i.e. SIZE and COLOR resp.

In this case, you will get error-21916664.

In order to resolve this, change your Revise request and pass the correct variation names i.e. Size and Color resp.


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