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Published: January 02 2013, 2:00:00 PMUpdated: August 29 2022, 5:59:17 AM


I am trying to list in a category "Daycab Semi Trucks" category on Motors site but getting error-22147. Why ?


 <ShortMessage>Category not supported.</ShortMessage>
  <LongMessage>The category {0} is not available for local listings. Please select another category and resubmit the listing.</LongMessage>

If you are getting the above error while listing in a category on Motors site, please follow the below steps to figure out the root cause :

1. Make a call to GetCatgeoryFeatures api with siteid-100 and the categoryID . In the response look for the tag <LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled>


This means category does support the lead generation Motors Local Market feature only.

2. The other important thing to know about classified listings in this category is that the LMS(Local Market Subscribed for Motors) users are not allowed to list in this category. Now you need to check if the user belongs to LMS group or not. To do so, please make a call to GetUser api and check <UserSubscription> and <EBaySubscription> tags in the response. For LMS users, it will show the following in GetUser api response :


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