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Published: September 28 2005, 1:13:00 PMUpdated: July 21 2022, 5:15:58 PM

How can I test OutBid notifications?

An OutBid notification is sent when the eBay buyer being outbid is subscribed to the OutBid notification event. In order to test OutBid notifications, you need to first set up notifications at the application and user level. You with then need to create test scenarios in the sandbox. This article walks through the steps needed to test OutBid notifications.

1. Create 3 Sandbox test users. For the purposes of this article, we will call them testseller1, testbuyer1, testbuyer2.

2. Create tokens for all three users via the Token Generation Tool.

3. Set up Application Level notification preferences via the SetNotificationPreferences call. You may use any user’s token for setting Application Level preferences.

<SetNotificationPreferencesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

Note: If you have not yet set up your notifications listener URL or are not sure if you are actually receiving notifications, you can set your <ApplicationURL> to use SMTP and send you the notification via email. To do this, set the < ApplicationURL> property to mailto://

4. Set up User Level notification preferences to enable the OutBid via the SetNotificationPreferences call. Make the call once using testbuyer1’s token and once using testbuyer2’s token. This will enable both testbuyer1 and testbuyer2 to receive OutBid notifications.

<SetNotificationPreferencesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<!-- Include Zero or more of these -->

5. List a Chinese Auction Item using testseller1’s token

<AddItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<Description>Test Notification Item</Description>
<Location>San Jose, CA</Location>
<Title>Test Notification Item</Title>

6. Log into the sandbox as testbuyer1 and bid on the item just created

7. Log into the sandbox as testbuyer2 and bid on the item just created. Since testbuyer2 has just outbid testbuyer1, you should now receive an OutBid notification for testbuyer1. Testbuyer 2 should be the high bidder. The <NotificationEventName> and <RecipientUserID> properties in the notification will be returned as follows:


8. Log into the sandbox as testbuyer1 and bid on the item again. Since testbuyer1 has just outbid testbuyer2, you should now receive an OutBid notification for testbuyer2. Testbuyer1 should be the high bidder. The <NotificationEventName> and <RecipientUserID> properties in the notification will be returned as follows:



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