Type defining the dateRangeFilter container in the getUserReturns request. This container is used to restrict results to returns created within a specified date range.
Type that uses DateRangeFilterType:
Call that uses DateRangeFilterType:
The starting date for the date range. The fromDate must be older than the toDate, and it cannot be set back more than 18 months in the past. This field is required if the dateRangeFilter container is used.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fromDate.
The ending date for the date range. The toDate must be more recent than the fromDate. This field is optional. If it is omitted, all returns created from the fromDate up to the present (system date) are returned, unless the range specified by the fromDate and the present date is greater than 90 days, in which case the toDate defaults to 90 days forward from the fromDate.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use toDate.