getUserReturnsRequest ( BaseRequest )
Type defining the getUserReturns request. This call is used by a seller or buyer to retrieve returns in which the eBay member is involved. This call can retrieve all returns, or filtering criteria can be used.
Call that uses getUserReturnsRequest:
creationDateRangeFilter ( DateRangeFilterType ) [0..1]
Container used to restrict results to returns created within a specified date range. The specified date range is inclusive. The maximum date range that can be specified with this filter is 90 days. Returns with creation dates dating back more than 18 months cannot be retrieved. To retrieve returns for a period longer than 90 days, multiple getUserReturns calls must be made using this filter and specifying different date ranges in each subsequent call.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use creationDateRangeFilter.
itemFilter ( ItemFilterType ) [0..1]
Container used to retrieve all returns related to a specific eBay listing, or to retrieve a return related to a specific order line item. Boolean OR logic is used if an eBay Item ID and Transaction ID are both specified.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use itemFilter.
A unique identifier of an eBay order. This field will accept an eBay-generated OrderID value or an OrderLineItemID value, which is a concatenation of ItemID and TransactionID with a hyphen separating these two IDs.
If an orderId value is specified, any return filed against this order is retrieved. It is possible that multiple returns can be retrieved if the order has multiple line items, and the buyer filed a return against more than one of these order line items.
If an orderId value is specified, any return filed against this order is retrieved. It is possible that multiple returns can be retrieved if the order has multiple line items, and the buyer filed a return against more than one of these order line items.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use orderId.
otherUserFilter ( UserFilterType ) [0..1]
Container used to retrieve all returns related to a specific eBay member, who is identified by role and either by user ID or login name or both. This other user must be on the other side of one or more returns from the calling user.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use otherUserFilter.
paginationInput ( PaginationInput ) [0..1]
Container used to control the pagination of the result set, including the number of returns to retrieve per page and the page number you want to retrieve in the output. Pagination is typically used when the result set is expected to be large. The caller can then use subsequent getUserReturns calls to retrieve results page by page by incrementing the pageNumber value in the request each time. The caller will know the total number of pages that need to be retrieved by looking at the paginationOutput.totalPages value in the response.
If the paginationInput container is not used, all returns matching the filter criteria are retrieved and displayed on one "page" of the response.
If the paginationInput container is not used, all returns matching the filter criteria are retrieved and displayed on one "page" of the response.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use paginationInput.
ReturnStatusFilter ( ReturnStatusFilterType ) [0..1]
Container consisting of one or more ReturnStatus filters. If one or more ReturnStatus filters are used, results are restricted to returns in the specified states. If return status filtering is not used, returns in all states are retrieved. The ReturnStatusFilter container uses Boolean OR logic, which means that all returns matching the specified states are retrieved.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
If more than one filter type is used in one call, boolean AND logic is applied to the result set.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ReturnStatusFilter.
sortOrderType ( ReturnSortOrderType ) [0..1]
This field is used to sort returns in the response in descending or ascending order. So, if FilingDate is the sortType being used, and sortOrderType is set to Descending, returns are sorted in the response from the most recent filing date to the oldest filing date. Descending is the default value, so here is how the results will appear for each sortType:
- BuyerLoginName: Results are sorted based on name from Z to A
- EstimatedAmount: Results are sorted based on dollar amount from highest to lowest value
- FilingDate: Results are sorted based on filing date from most recent to oldest
- RefundDueDate: Results are sorted based on the date a refund is due to the seller from a date further in the future to a date less further in the future
See the Field Index to learn which calls use sortOrderType.
sortType ( ReturnSortType ) [0..1]
This field is used to sort returns in the response based on either return filing date, estimated refund amount, refund due date, or buyer login name. If this field is not used, returns are sorted by filing date.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use sortType.