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This method searches for eBay items by various query parameters and retrieves summaries of the items. You can search by keyword, category, eBay product ID (ePID), or GTIN, charity ID, or a combination of these.

Note: Only listings where FIXED_PRICE (Buy It Now) is a buying option are returned by default. To retrieve listings that do not have FIXED_PRICE as a buying option, the buyingOptions filter can be used to retrieve those listings.

Note that an auction listing enabled with the Buy it Now feature will initially show AUCTION and FIXED_PRICE as buying options, but if/when that auction listing receives a qualifying bid, only AUCTION remains as a buying option. If this happens, the buyingOptions filter would need to be used to retrieve that auction listing.

This method also supports the following:

  • Filtering by the value of one or multiple fields, such as listing format, item condition, price range, location, and more. For the fields supported by this method, refer to the filter parameter.
  • Retrieving the refinements (metadata) of an item, such as item aspects (color, brand) condition, category, etc. using the fieldgroups parameter.
  • Filtering by item aspects and other refinements using the aspect_filter parameter.
  • Filtering for items that are compatible with a specific product, using the compatibility_filter parameter.
  • Creating aspects histograms, which enables shoppers to drill down in each refinement narrowing the search results.
For additional information and examples of these capabilities, refer to Browse API in the Buying Integration Guide.

Pagination and sort controls

There are pagination controls (limit and offset fields) and sort query parameters that control/sort the data that are returned. By default, results are sorted by Best Match. For more information about Best Match, refer to Best Match.


This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, refer to API Restrictions.

eBay Partner Network: In order to receive a commission for your sales, you must use the URL returned in the itemAffiliateWebUrl field to forward your buyer to the site.


Resource URI

This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

qstringA string consisting of one or more keywords used to search for items on eBay.

Note: The * wildcard character is not allowed in this field.
When providing two or more keywords in a single query, the string is processed as follows:
  • When successive keywords are separated by a space, the list of keywords is processed as an AND request. For example, to retrieve items that include both of the keywords iphone AND ipad, submit the following query:
    /buy/browse/v1/item_summary/search?q=iphone ipad
  • When successive keywords are comma-separated and surrounded by a single pair of parentheses, OR if the keywords are each URL-encoded, the list of keywords is processed as an OR request. For example, to retrieve items that include iphone OR ipad, submit one of the following queries:
    /buy/browse/v1/item_summary/search?q=(iphone, ipad)

Note: When specifying keywords using the q parameter, do not include an epid or gtin parameter value as neither can be used in conjuction with a keyword search.

Occurrence: Conditional

gtinstringThis field lets you search by the Global Trade Item Number of an item as defined by

For example:
Note: You can search only by UPC (Universal Product Code). To search using another GTIN format, you must search by keyword.Note: When constructing a query, gtin may be combined with an epid value. However, do not specify keywords using the q parameter — keywords cannot be used in conjunction with gtin.

Occurrence: Conditional

charity_idsarray of stringThe charity ID filters results to return only those items associated with the specified charity.

Note: charity_ids is only supported by the US and UK marketplaces.
Charity ID is a charity's unique identification number:
  • In the US, this is the Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  • In the UK, this is the Charity Registration Number (CRN), commonly called Charity Number.

charity_ids may be retrieved/determined as follows:
  • Search for a supported charity using the Charity API's getCharityOrgs method.

    Important! The value to be passed in as charity_ids is that returned in the registrationId field.

  • Search for a supported charity by visiting Charity Search. Click on the charity's name to display its information. The EIN number is included in the charity's information block at the top of the page.

    For example, the charity ID for American Red Cross, is 530196605.
Up to 20 comma-separated charity_ids may be specified in each query. Additionally, charity_ids may be combined with category_ids and/or q keyword values to further filter returned results.

A sample query using charity_ids is:

Occurrence: Optional

fieldgroupsarray of stringA comma-separated list of values that controls what is returned in the response. The default is MATCHING_ITEMS, which returns the items that match the keyword or category specified. The other values return data that can be used to create histograms or provide additional information.

Valid Values:
    This field group adds the aspectDistributions container to the response.

    Note: Information returned by ASPECT_REFINEMENTS is category specific.
    This field group adds the buyingOptionDistributions container to the response.
    This field group adds the categoryDistributions container to the response.
    This field group adds the conditionDistributions containers, such as NEW, USED, etc., to the response. Within these groups are multiple states of the condition.

    For example, NEW can be New without tag, New in box, New without box, etc.
    This field group adds the following fields to the response:
  • MATCHING_ITEMS (default value)
    This field group is intended to be used with one or more of the refinement values listed above. This is used to return the specified refinements and all matching items.
  • FULL
    This field group returns all refinement containers and all matching items.

Occurrence: Optional

compatibility_filterCompatibilityFilterThis field specifies the attributes used to define a specific product. The service searches for items matching the keyword, or matching the keyword and a product attribute value in the title of the item.

Note: The only products supported are cars, trucks, and motorcycles.
For example, if the keyword is brakes and compatibility-filter=Year:2018;Make:BMW, the items returned are items with brakes, 2018, or BMW in the title.

The service uses the product attributes to determine whether the item is compatible. The service returns the attributes that are compatible and the CompatibilityMatchEnum value that indicates how well the item matches the attributes.

Tip: Refer to the Samples section for a detailed example.

Best Practice: Submit all of the product attributes for the specific product.

To find the attributes and values for a specific marketplace, use the getCompatibilityProperties method in the Taxonomy API.

For more information, refer to Check compatibility in the Buying Integration Guide.

Note: Testing in Sandbox is only supported using mock data. Refer to Testing search in the Sandbox for details.
  • q (keyword)
  • One parts-compatibility-supported category ID (such as 33559 Brakes)
  • At least one vehicle attribute name/value pair

Occurrence: Optional

auto_correctarray of stringA query parameter that enables auto correction.

A sample is shown below:
Note: Auto correction is currently supported in the following marketplaces:
  • United States
  • Austria
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Spain
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • Ireland
  • Italy

Valid Values: KEYWORD

Occurrence: Optional

category_idsarray of stringThe category ID is used to limit the results that are returned. This field may pass in one category ID or a comma separated list of IDs as illustrated in the following examples:
Note: Currently, you can pass in only one category ID per request.
To refine the set of information that is returned, category_ids may be combined with EITHER:
  • epid and/or gtin values
  • q keywords
For example, when looking of a toy phone, simply searching for "phone" will return mobile phones because that is the "Best Match" for the search. To further refine the request to include toy phones, include the Toys & Hobbies category ID as illustrated here:
Because the list of eBay category IDs is not published and category IDs are not the same across all eBay marketplaces, category IDs may be determined by:
  • Visiting the Category Changes page
  • Using the Taxonomy API. Refer to Get Categories for Buy APIs for complete information.
  • Issuing the following call to retrieve the dominantCategoryId for an item:
    /buy/browse/v1/item_summary/search?q= keyword&fieldgroups=ASPECT_REFINEMENTS
Note: If a top-level (L1) category is specified, you must also include a q query parameter.

Occurrence: Optional

filterarray of FilterFieldAn array of field filters that can be used to limit/customize the result set.

Refer to Buy API Field Filters for additional information and examples of all supported filters.

For example, to filter shirts based on a specific range of prices, include the filter illustrated here:
Filters may also be combined within a single request as illustrated in the sample below which further refines results to return only those shirts available from specific sellers:

Occurrence: Optional

sortarray of SortFieldSpecifies the criteria on which returned items are to be sorted.

Items can be sorted in ascending order based on:
  • Price (sort=price)
    Returned items are sorted based on their total cost (i.e., price + shipping cost).

    Items with the lowest combined price are shown first.

    When sorting by price, it is highly recommended that:
    • The X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header is used, and
    • The contextualLocation parameter specifies the delivery country and postal code.

      These values must be URL-encoded.
    Refer to the following example:
    X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX: contextualLocation=country%3DUS%2Czip%3D19406
    Descending price order
    To sort items from highest price to lowest price insert a minus sign (-) before price as the search criterion:
  • Distance (sort=distance)
    Returned items are sorted based on their distance from the buyer's location.

    Items that are closest to the buyer are listed first.

    Important! When sorting by distance, all required pickup filters must be included in the request.

  • Date
    Items can be sorted by date based on:
    • Listing date (sort=newlyListed)
      Returned items are sorted based on their listing date.

      Newly listed items are shown first.
    • End date (sort=endingSoonest)
      Returned items are sorted based on the date/time on which their listing is scheduled to end.

      Items that are closest to their scheduled ending date/time are shown first.
    If no sort parameter is submitted, the result set is sorted by "Best Match". Refer to Optimizing your listings for Best Match for additional information.

    Occurrence: Optional

limitstringThe number of items from the result set returned in a single page.

Note: If a value is set in the limit field, the value of offset must be either zero or a multiple of the limit value. An error is returned for invalid offset values.
Note: This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items in one results set.
Min: 1

Max: 200

Default: 50

Occurrence: Optional

offsetstringSpecifies the number of items to skip in the result set. This is used with the limit field to control the pagination of the output.

For example:
  • If offset is 0 and limit is 10, the method will retrieve items 1-10 from the list of items returned
  • If offset is 10 and limit is 10, the method will retrieve items 11-20 from the list of items returned.
Note: The value of offset must be either zero or a multiple of the value set in the limit field. An error is returned for invalid offset values.
Note: This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items in one results set.
Min: 0

Max: 9,999

Default: 0

Occurrence: Optional

aspect_filterAspectFilterThis field lets you filter by item aspects. The aspect name/value pairs and category, which is required, is used to limit the results to specific aspects of the item. For example, in a clothing category one aspect pair would be Color/Red.

Note: The category ID must be specified twice:
  • Once as a URI parameter in the category_ids field
  • Once as part of the aspect_filter field
These two values must be the same.

For example, to return items for a woman's red shirt, issue the following request:
To get a list of the aspect pairs and the category, which is returned in the dominantCategoryId field, set fieldgroups to ASPECT_REFINEMENTS as illustrated here:
Note: The pipe symbol is used as a delimiter between aspect filter values. If a value contains a pipe symbol (for example, the brand name 'Bed|Stü'), you must enter a backslash before the pipe character to prevent it from being evaluated as a delimiter.

The following example illustrates the correct format for entering two brand names as aspect filter values, one of which contains a pipe symbol:

Occurrence: Optional

epidstringThe ePID is the eBay product identifier of a product from the eBay product catalog. This field limits the results to only items in the specified ePID.

Use the product_summary/search method in the Catalog API to search for the ePID of the product.

For example:
Note: When constructing a query, epid may be combined with a gtin value. However, do not specify keywords using the q parameter — keywords cannot be used in conjunction with an epid.

Occurrence: Conditional

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.

Accept-LanguagestringThis header is used to indicate the natural language and locale preferred by the user for the response.

This header is required when targeting a specific locale of a marketplace that supports multiple locales. For example:
  • When targeting the French locale of the Belgium marketplace, it is required to pass in fr-BE to specify this. If this locale is not specified, the language will default to Dutch.
  • When targeting the French locale of the Canadian marketplace, it is required to pass in fr-CA to specify this. If this locale is not specified, the language will default to English.

Occurrence: Conditional

X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTXstringThis header is required to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Network and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations.

For additional information, refer to Use request headers in the Buying Integration Guide.

Occurrence: Optional

X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-IDstringThis header identifies the seller's eBay marketplace. It is required for all marketplaces outside of the US.

Note: If a marketplace ID value is not provided, the default value of EBAY_US is used.
See MarketplaceIdEnum for supported values.

Occurrence: Strongly Recommended

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the client credentials grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

{ /* SearchPagedCollection<ItemSummary> */
"href" : "string",
"itemSummaries" : [
{ /* ItemSummary */
"additionalImages" : [
{ /* Image */ }
"epid" : "string",
"image" :
{ /* Image */ },
"itemId" : "string",
"thumbnailImages" : [
{ /* Image */ }
"title" : "string",
"limit" : "integer",
"next" : "string",
"prev" : "string",
"total" : "integer",

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription

The auto-corrected inputs.

Occurrence: Conditional


The automatically spell-corrected keyword from the request.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URI of the current page of results.

The following example of the search method returns items 1 thru 5 from the list of items found.

Occurrence: Always

itemSummariesarray of ItemSummary

An array of the items on this page. The items are sorted according to the sorting method specified in the request.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemSummaries.additionalImagesarray of Image

An array of containers with the URLs for the images that are in addition to the primary image. The primary image is returned in the image.imageUrl field.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if the item is for adults only. For more information about adult-only items on eBay, refer to the Adult items policy.

Occurrence: Always


This boolean attribute indicates if coupons are available for the item.

Occurrence: Always


This integer value indicates the total number of bids that have been placed for an auction item. This field is only returned for auction items.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemSummaries.buyingOptionsarray of string

A comma separated list of all the purchase options available for the item.

Values Returned:

    Indicates the buyer can purchase the item for a set price using the Buy It Now button.
    Indicates the buyer can place a bid for the item. After the first bid is placed, this becomes a live auction item and is the only buying option for this item.
    Items where the buyer can send the seller a price they are willing to pay for the item. The seller can accept, reject, or send a counter offer. For additional information about Best Offer, refer to Adding Best Offer to your listing and sending offers to buyers.
    Indicates that the final sales transaction is to be completed outside of the eBay environment.

Occurrence: Always

itemSummaries.categoriesarray of Category

This array returns the name and ID of each category associated with the item, including top level, branch, and leaf categories.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of the category.

Occurrence: Always


The name of the category.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates how well an item matches the compatibility_filter product attributes.

Valid Values:


Occurrence: Conditional

itemSummaries.compatibilityPropertiesarray of CompatibilityProperty

This container returns only the product attributes that are compatible with the item. These attributes were specified in the compatibility_filter in the request. This means that if you passed in 5 attributes and only 4 are compatible, only those 4 are returned. If none of the attributes are compatible, this container is not returned.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the product attribute that as been translated to the language of the site.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the product attribute, such as Make, Model, Year, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value for the name attribute, such as BMW, R1200GS, 2011, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional


The text describing the condition of the item, such as New or Used. For a list of condition names, refer to Item Condition IDs and Names.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the condition of the item. For example, 1000 is the identifier for NEW. For a list of condition names and IDs, refer to Item Condition IDs and Names.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns the current highest bid for an auction item. The value field shows the dollar value of the current highest bid, and the currency field (3-digit ISO code) denotes the currency associated with that bid value. This field is only returned for auction items.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns the distance away that the item is from the pickupPostalCode value that was supplied in the method request. This container is only returned if the "local pickup" filter fields are used in the request.

Occurrence: Conditional


This value shows the unit of measurement used to measure the distance between the location of the item and the buyer's location. This value is typically mi or km.

Occurrence: Conditional


This value indicates the distance (measured in the measurement unit in the unitOfMeasure field) between the item location and the buyer's location.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates the European energy efficiency rating (EEK) of the item. Energy efficiency ratings apply to products listed by commercial vendors in electronics categories only.

Currently, this field is only applicable for the Germany site, and is returned only if the seller specifies the energy efficiency rating through item specifics at listing time. Rating values include A+++, A++, A+, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

Occurrence: Conditional


An ePID is the eBay product identifier of a product from the eBay product catalog. This indicates the product in which the item belongs.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the primary image of the item.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the View Item page of the item which includes the affiliate tracking ID.

Note: In order to receive commissions on sales, eBay Partner Network affiliates must use this URL to forward buyers to the listing on the eBay marketplace.
The itemAffiliateWebUrl is returned only if:

  • The marketplace through which the item is being viewed is part of the eBay Partner Network. Currently Singapore (EBAY_SG) is not supported.

    For additional information, refer to eBay Partner Network.
  • The seller enables affiliate tracking for the item by including the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header in the method.

Occurrence: Conditional


The date and time when the item listing was created. This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Occurrence: Conditional


The date and time up to which the item can be purchased. This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Note: This field is not returned for Good 'Til Cancelled (GTC) listings.

Occurrence: Conditional


The HATEOAS reference of the parent page of the item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Note: This field is returned only for item groups.

Occurrence: Conditional


The indicates the item group type. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Currently only the SELLER_DEFINED_VARIATIONS is supported and indicates this is an item group created by the seller.

Note: This field is returned only for item groups.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URI for the Browse API getItem method, which can be used to retrieve more details about items in the search results.

Occurrence: Always


The unique RESTful identifier of the item.

Occurrence: Always


This container returns the location of the item. This container consists of fields you typically see for an address, including postal code, county, state/province, street address, city, and country (2-digit ISO code).

Occurrence: Conditional


The first line of the street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The second line of the street address. This field may contain such values as an apartment or suite number.

Occurrence: Conditional


The city in which the item is located.

Restriction: This field is populated in the search method response only when fieldgroups = EXTENDED.

Occurrence: Conditional


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard code that indicates the country in which the item is located.

Occurrence: Always


The county in which the item is located.

Occurrence: Conditional


The postal code (or zip code in US) where the item is located. Sellers set a postal code for items when they are listed. The postal code is used for calculating proximity searches. It is anonymized when returned in itemLocation.postalCode via the API.

Occurrence: Conditional


The state or province in which the item is located.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the View Item page of the item. This enables you to include a "Report Item on eBay" hyperlink that takes the buyer to the View Item page on eBay. From there they can report any issues regarding this item to eBay.

Occurrence: Always

itemSummaries.leafCategoryIdsarray of string

The leaf category IDs of the item. When the item belongs to two leaf categories, the ID values are returned in the order primary, secondary.

Occurrence: Always


The unique identifier of the eBay listing that contains the item. This is the traditional/legacy ID that is often seen in the URL of the listing View Item page.

Occurrence: Always


The ID of the eBay marketplace on which the seller listed the item.

Occurrence: Always


This container is returned if the item is eligible for a seller discount and contains the item's original price, and the seller discount amount and percentage.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns the monetary amount of the seller discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field expresses the percentage of the seller discount based on the value in the originalPrice container.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns the monetary amount of the item without the discount.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the pricing treatment (discount) that was applied to the price of the item.

Note: The pricing treatment affects the way and where the discounted price can be displayed.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemSummaries.pickupOptionsarray of PickupOptionSummary

This container returns the local pickup options available to the buyer. This container is returned only if the user is searching for local pickup items and set the local pickup filters in the method request.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns the local pickup options available to the buyer. Possible values are ARRANGED_LOCATION and STORE.

Occurrence: Conditional


The price of the item after it has been converted into another currency.

The price includes the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must do one or more of the following to view VAT-inclusive pricing:

  • Pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB)
  • Pass the contextualLocation values for the supported marketplace in the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header
  • Specify the supported marketplace using the deliveryCountry filter URI parameter (such as filter=deliveryCountry:GB)
Note: For more information on VAT, refer to Your VAT Obligations in the UK & EU.

Occurrence: Always


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates when in the buying flow the item's price can appear for minimum advertised price (MAP) items, which is the lowest price a retailer can advertise/show for this item.

Occurrence: Conditional


This field is returned as true if the listing is part of a Promoted Listing campaign. Promoted Listings are available to Above Standard and Top Rated sellers with recent sales activity.

Note: Priority Listing is returned only with a Best Match sort and will not be returned for other sort options.

Occurrence: Always

itemSummaries.qualifiedProgramsarray of string

An array of the qualified programs available for the item, such as EBAY_PLUS, AUTHENTICITY_GUARANTEE, and AUTHENTICITY_VERIFICATION.

eBay Plus is a premium account option for buyers, which provides benefits such as fast, free domestic shipping and free returns on selected items. Top-Rated eBay sellers must opt in to eBay Plus to be able to offer the program on qualifying listings. Sellers must commit to next-day delivery of those items.

Note: eBay Plus is available only to buyers in the Germany, Austria, and Australia marketplaces.

The eBay Authenticity Guarantee program enables third-party authenticators to perform authentication verification inspections on items such as watches and sneakers.

Occurrence: Conditional


This container returns basic information about the seller of the item, such as name, feedback score, etc.

Occurrence: Always


The percentage of the total positive feedback.

Occurrence: Always


The feedback score of the seller. This value is based on the ratings from eBay members that bought items from this seller.

Occurrence: Always


Indicates if the seller is a business or an individual. This is determined when the seller registers with eBay:

  • If they register for a business account, this value will be BUSINESS.
  • If they register for a private account, this value will be INDIVIDUAL.
This designation is required by the tax laws in some countries.

This field is returned only on the following sites:



Occurrence: Conditional


The user name created by the seller for use on eBay.

Occurrence: Always

itemSummaries.shippingOptionsarray of ShippingOptionSummary

This container returns the shipping options available to ship the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


Although this field is still returned, it can be ignored since eBay Guaranteed Delivery is no longer a supported feature on any marketplace. This field may get removed from the schema in the future.

Occurrence: Conditional


The end date of the delivery window (latest projected delivery date). This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Note: For the best accuracy, always include the contextualLocation values in the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header.

Occurrence: Conditional


The start date of the delivery window (earliest projected delivery date). This value is returned in UTC format (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ), which you can convert into the local time of the buyer.

Note: For the best accuracy, always include the contextualLocation values in the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the estimated price to ship the item.

The price includes the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must do one or more of the following to see VAT-inclusive pricing:

  • Pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB)
  • Pass the contextualLocation values for the supported marketplace in the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header
  • Specify the supported marketplace using the deliveryCountry filter URI parameter (such as filter=deliveryCountry:GB)
Note:For more information on VAT, refer to Your VAT Obligations in the UK & EU.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the type of shipping used to ship the item. Possible values are FIXED (flat-rate shipping) and CALCULATED (shipping cost calculated based on item and buyer location).

Occurrence: Conditional


This text string is derived from the item condition and the item aspects (such as size, color, capacity, model, brand, etc.) Sometimes the title does not provide enough information but the description is too big. Surfacing the shortDescription can often provide buyers with the additional information that could help them make a buying decision.

For example:

"title": "Petrel U42W FPV Drone RC Quadcopter w/HD Camera Live Video One Key Off / Landing",
"shortDescription": "1 U42W Quadcopter. Syma X5SW-V3 Wifi FPV RC Drone Quadcopter 2.4Ghz 6-Axis Gyro with Headless Mode. Syma X20 Pocket Drone 2.4Ghz Mini RC Quadcopter Headless Mode Altitude Hold. One Key Take Off / Landing function: allow beginner to easy to fly the drone without any skill.",

Restriction: This field is returned by the search method only when fieldgroups = EXTENDED.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemSummaries.thumbnailImagesarray of Image

An array of thumbnail images for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller-created title of the item.

Maximum Length: 80 characters

Occurrence: Always


This indicates if the item is a top-rated plus item. There are three benefits of a top-rated plus item: a minimum 30-day money-back return policy; shipping the item in 1 business day with tracking provided; and the added comfort of knowing that this item is from an experienced seller with the highest buyer ratings. For more information, refer to Look for Top Rated Plus Items and Seller performance overview.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the image that shows the information on the tyre label.

Occurrence: Conditional


The price per unit for the item. Some European countries require listings for certain types of products to include the price per unit so buyers can accurately compare prices.

For example:

"unitPricingMeasure": "100g",
"unitPrice": {
  "value": "7.99",
  "currency": "GBP"

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required, and represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. This value is required or returned only if currency conversion/localization is required. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this is the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Default: The currency of the authenticated user's country.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount in the currency specified by the currency field. If currency conversion/localization is required, this value is the converted amount, and the convertedFromValue field contains the amount in the original currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The designation, such as size, weight, volume, count, etc., that was used to specify the quantity of the item. This helps buyers compare prices.

For example, the following tells the buyer that the item is 7.99 per 100 grams.

"unitPricingMeasure": "100g",
"unitPrice": {
  "value": "7.99",
  "currency": "GBP"

Occurrence: Conditional


The number of users that have added the item to their watch list.

Note: This field is restricted to applications that have been granted permission to access this feature. You must submit an App Check ticket to request this access. In the App Check form, add a note to the Application Title/Summary and/or Application Details fields indicating that you want access to Watch Count data in the Browse API.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value of the limit parameter submitted in the request, which is the maximum number of items to return on a page, from the result set. A result set is the complete set of items returned by the method.

Occurrence: Always


The URI for the next page of results. This value is returned if there is an additional page of results to return from the result set.

The following example of the search method returns items 5 thru 10 from the list of items found.

Occurrence: Conditional


This value indicates the offset used for current page of items being returned. Assume the initial request used an offset of 0 and a limit of 3. Then in the first page of results, this value would be 0, and items 1-3 are returned. For the second page, this value is 3 and so on.

Occurrence: Always


The URI for the previous page of results. This is returned if there is a previous page of results from the result set.

The following example of the search method returns items 1 thru 5 from the list of items found, which would be the first set of items returned.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container for all the search refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional

refinement.aspectDistributionsarray of AspectDistribution

An array of containers for the all the aspect refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional

refinement.aspectDistributions.aspectValueDistributionsarray of AspectValueDistribution

An array of containers for the various values of the aspect and the match count, and a HATEOAS reference (refinementHref) for this aspect.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value of an aspect. For example, Red is a value for the aspect Color.

Occurrence: Always


The number of items with this aspect.

Occurrence: Always


A HATEOAS reference for this aspect.

Occurrence: Always


The name of an aspect, such as Brand, Color, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional

refinement.buyingOptionDistributionsarray of BuyingOptionDistribution

An array of containers for the all the buying option refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional


The container that returns the buying option type. This will be AUCTION, FIXED_PRICE, CLASSIFIED_AD, or a combination of these options. For details, see buyingOptions.

Occurrence: Always


The number of items having this buying option.

Occurrence: Always


The HATEOAS reference for this buying option.

Occurrence: Always

refinement.categoryDistributionsarray of CategoryDistribution

An array of containers for the all the category refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional


The unique identifier of the category.

Occurrence: Always


The name of the category, such as Baby & Toddler Clothing.

Occurrence: Always


The number of items in this category.

Occurrence: Always


The HATEOAS reference of this category.

Occurrence: Always

refinement.conditionDistributionsarray of ConditionDistribution

An array of containers for the all the condition refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional


The text describing the condition of the item, such as New or Used. For a list of condition names, refer to Item Condition IDs and Names.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the condition. For example, 1000 is the identifier for NEW.

Occurrence: Conditional


The number of items having the condition.

Occurrence: Always


The HATEOAS reference of this condition.

Occurrence: Always


The identifier of the category that most of the items are part of.

Occurrence: Always


The total number of items that match the input criteria.

Note: total is just an indicator of the number of listings for a given query. It could vary based on the number of listings with variations included in the result. It is strongly recommended that total not be used in pagination use cases. Instead, use next to determine the results on the next page.

Occurrence: Always

warningsarray of ErrorDetailV3

The container with all the warnings for the request.

Occurrence: Conditional


This string value indicates the error category. There are three categories of errors: request errors, application errors, and system errors.

Occurrence: Always


The name of the primary system where the error occurred. This is relevant for application errors.

Occurrence: Always


A unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.

Occurrence: Always

warnings.inputRefIdsarray of string

An array of reference IDs that identify the specific request elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Occurrence: Conditional


A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.

Occurrence: Conditional


A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.

Occurrence: Always

warnings.outputRefIdsarray of string

An array of reference IDs that identify the specific response elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.

Occurrence: Conditional

warnings.parametersarray of ErrorParameterV3

An array of warning and error messages that return one or more variables contextual information about the error or warning. This is often the field or value that triggered the error or warning.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the name of input field that caused an issue with the call request.

Occurrence: Conditional


This is the actual value that was passed in for the element specified in the name field.

Occurrence: Conditional


The name of the subdomain in which the error or warning occurred.

Occurrence: NA

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

12000API_BROWSEAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
12001API_BROWSEREQUESTThe call must have a valid 'q', 'category_ids', 'epid' or 'gtin' query parameter.
12004API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'offset' value cannot be negative.
12005API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'offset' value must be an integer.
12006API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'limit' value should be between 1 and 200 (inclusive).
12007API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'limit' value must be an integer value.
12013API_BROWSEBUSINESSTop level category browsing is not allowed. Please provide keywords or more filters for the applied top level category.
12019API_BROWSEBUSINESSCurrently, the {marketplaceId} marketplace is not supported. The supported Marketplaces are: {allowedMarketplaces} .
12020API_BROWSEBUSINESSThe 'fieldgroups' value {fieldgroups} is invalid when multiple 'category_ids' are specified. Either change the call to have only one value in 'category_ids' or remove the 'fieldgroups'.
12023API_BROWSEREQUESTThis keyword search results in a response that is too large to return. Either change the keyword or add additional query parameters and/or filters.
12025API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'charity_ids' field has exceeded the maximum limit of 20.
12026API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'charity_ids' field is not supported for the marketplace {marketplaceId}. Valid marketplaces are: {validMarketplaces}.
12027API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'auto_correct' value is invalid. For the valid values, refer to the API call documentation.
12028API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'auto_correct' is not supported for the marketplace {marketplaceId}. Valid marketplaces are: {validMarketplaces}
12029API_BROWSEREQUESTThe maximum number of listings that can be retrieved is 10,000, so your offset value must be less than 10,000. If 10,000 or more listings are matching your search criteria, consider narrowing the scope of your search.
12030API_BROWSEREQUESTThe number of categories in the request has exceeded the limit. Please reduce the number of categories to {allowedMaxCategories} or less.
12032API_BROWSEREQUESTThe number of sellers in the filter has exceeded the limit. Please reduce the number of sellers to 250 or fewer.
12033API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'qualifiedPrograms' filter for {filterValue} requires valid 'deliveryPostalCode' and 'deliveryCountry' filter values.
12034API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'buyingOptions' filter value {filterValue} is not supported for the sort by {sortOption}. For the supported values, refer to the API call documentation.
12503API_BROWSEREQUESTThere is no compatibility information found either because there is no compatibility results or the data provided in the compatibility_filter is invalid or insufficient.
12504API_BROWSEREQUESTYou must provide a category ID that supports fitment.
12505API_BROWSEREQUESTThe following compatibility attributes in the request are not supported: {attributes}.
12506API_BROWSEREQUESTThe category ID submitted does not support fitment.
12507API_BROWSEREQUESTTo filter by 'guaranteedDeliveryInDays', you must include 'deliveryCountry'.
12508API_BROWSEREQUESTTo filter by 'guaranteedDeliveryInDays', you must include 'deliveryPostalCode' for the 'deliveryCountry'.
12509API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'guaranteedDeliveryInDays' value {guaranteedDeliveryInDays} is invalid for 'deliveryCountry' value {deliveryCountry}. Valid values for 'guaranteedDeliveryInDays' for {deliveryCountry} must be in the range of {rangeLowerBound} to {rangeUpperBound} inclusive.
12510API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'guaranteedDeliveryInDays' filter is not supported for the marketplace {marketplaceId}. Valid marketplaces are: {validMarketplaces}
12512API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'qualifiedPrograms' filter for {filterValue} is not supported for the marketplace {marketplaceId}. Valid marketplaces are: {validMarketplaces}
12513API_BROWSEBUSINESSThe 'priorityListing' filter for {filterValue} is not supported for the marketplace {marketplaceId}. Valid marketplaces are: {validMarketplaces}
12514API_BROWSEBUSINESSThe 'priorityListing' filter is not supported for the specified sort option. Refer to the API call documentation.
12515API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'offset' value must be either zero or a multiple of the 'limit' value.
12516API_BROWSEREQUESTThe ‘q’ value is invalid. It must be longer than one character when using the ‘searchInDescription’ filter.
12517API_BROWSEREQUESTOnly one item location filter can be applied at a time. Refer to the API call documentation.
12518API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'itemLocationRegion' filter value is not supported for the marketplace {marketplaceId}. Valid values are: {validRegionValues}


For more on warnings, plus the codes of other common warnings, see Handling errors.

12002API_BROWSEREQUESTThe {filterName} value is invalid. For the valid values, refer to the API call documentation.
12003API_BROWSEREQUESTA seller 'username' provided in the request filters is invalid.
12008API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'sort' value is invalid. For the valid values, refer to the API call documentation.
12009API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'category_ids' query parameter is invalid.
12010API_BROWSEREQUESTThere are four filters required for local pickup. 'pickupPostalCode','pickupCountry','pickupRadiusUnit','pickupRadius'. One or more is missing or invalid.
12011API_BROWSEREQUEST'deliveryCountry' is a mandatory filter to provide a delivery location. 'deliveryPostalCode' is optional.
12012API_BROWSEREQUESTA valid 'price' filter and a valid 'priceCurrency' filter is necessary to filter based on price.
12014API_BROWSEBUSINESSThe 'sellerAccountTypes' filter is not supported for the marketplace {marketplaceId}. Valid marketplaces are: {validMarketplaces}
12015API_BROWSEREQUESTThe postal code filter value is invalid for the specified country and this filter was ignored.
12016API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'fieldgroups' value {fieldgroups} is invalid. For the valid values, refer to the API call reference documentation
12017API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'aspect_filter' query parameter must include a categoryId. For information, see the API call reference documentation.
12018API_BROWSEREQUESTThe {aspectFilter} aspect_filter value is invalid. For information, see the API call reference documentation.
12021API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'epid' value {epid} is invalid. For information, see the API call reference documentation.
12022API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'gtin' value {gtin} is invalid. For information, see the API call reference documentation.
12024API_BROWSEREQUESTThe 'charity_ids' value {charity_id} is invalid. For more information see the API call reference documentation.
12502API_BROWSEREQUESTThe {compatibilityFilter} compatibility_filter is invalid. For information, see the API call reference documentation.
12511API_BROWSEREQUESTEither 'deliveryCountry' or 'deliveryPostalCode' is invalid, hence 'guaranteedDeliveryInDays' filter was ignored.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Search for Items by Keyword

This sample returns a set of eBay items that match the keyword.


The inputs are limit and q, which is the keyword, URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.



If the call is successful, 3 items per set will be returned.

Sample 2: Search for Items by Category

This sample searches for items in the Soccer Balls category.


The inputs are category_ids, limit, and offset URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.



If the call is successful, soccer balls are returned. Since limit=3 and offset=9 were specified, and the offset specified is a multiple of the limit, the fourth page containing items 10 through 12 (of the total 16987 items) was returned.

Sample 3: Refine Keyword Results by Category

Using a category ID with a keyword gives you additional control over the result set. For example, let's say you are looking of a toy phone. If you search for "phone", the result set will be mobile phones because this is the "Best Match" for this search. But if you also include the toy category ID, the results will be what you wanted.


The inputs are q and categoryIds URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.



If the call is successful, toy phones are returned.

Sample 4: Retrieve the Item Aspects by Keyword Search

This call searches for drones. Based on the results of that search, it returns the dominant category ID, which is the category most of the items are in and the aspect refinements for this category.


The inputs are q and fieldgroups=ASPECT_REFINEMENTS URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.



If the call is successful, the dominantCategoryId field, which we will use in the next sample, and the aspectDistributions container are returned.

Sample 5: Return All Refinements For a Category

This call retrieves all the refinements for the category submitted. We used the category ID returned by the previous sample in the dominantCategoryId field.

If you wanted to return the refinement and the items, you would replace fieldgroups=ASPECT_REFINEMENTS,CATEGORY_REFINEMENTS,CONDITION_REFINEMENTS,BUYING_OPTION_REFINEMENTS fieldgroups=FULL.


The inputs are q and fieldgroups URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.



If the call is successful, the dominantCategoryId field is return, which is the category that was submitted in the call. The categoryDistributions container is return, which shows the category name. The conditionDistributions buyingOptionDistributions aspectDistributions containers are returned, which contain all the refinements for the category. You can use response from this call to create a histogram for this category, which gives your shoppers the ability to browse the items and further refine the results.

Sample 6: Filter the Keyword Results by Item Aspects

This call searches for drones and returns only the items within the category and the item aspects specified. Because fieldgroups is set to EXTENDED it also returns the shortDescription and fields.


The inputs are q, category_ids, fieldgroups and aspect_filter URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.

Note: As with all query parameter values, the filter parameters must be URL encoded. But for readability in the request below, the encoding has been omitted. For more information about encoding request parameters, see URL encoding query parameter values.

The first line of the response is the encoded request.

GET,MATCHING_ITEMS&aspect_filter=categoryId:179697,conditionDistributions:{NEW},Connectivity:{App Controller},Camera Integration:{Camera Included},Type:{Ready to Fly Drone}


If the call is successful, a paged collection of items matching the criteria are returned.

Sample 7: Return Items with Free Shipping

This call searches for drones and returns only the items that offer free shipping.


The inputs are q and filter=maxDeliveryCost URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.

Note: As with all query parameter values, the filter parameters must be URL encoded. But for readability in the request below, the encoding has been omitted. For more information about encoding request parameters, see URL encoding query parameter values.

The first line of the response is the encoded request.



If the call is successful, three items that have free shipping (shippingOptions.shippingCost.value is 0) are returned.

Sample 8: Return Items Based on Price and Condition

This call searches for new iPhones within a price range.


The inputs are q and the price, priceCurrency, and conditions, filter URI parameters. There is no payload with this request.

Note: As with all query parameter values, the filter parameters must be URL encoded. But for readability in the request below, the encoding has been omitted. For more information about encoding request parameters, see URL encoding query parameter values.

The first line of the response is the encoded request.



If the call is successful, the items meeting the criteria are returned.

Sample 9: Return Items Associated with a Charity

This call searches for items that are associated with the Toys for Tots charity.


The inputs are q, charity_ids and limit.



If the call is successful, the items meeting the criteria are returned.

Sample 10: Return Items that are Compatible with the Keyword and Vehicle

This call searches for brakes that are compatible with a 2018 BMW 318i.


The inputs are q, category_ids, compatibility_filter, and limit. In order to get the best results, all the product attributes for the vehicle are specified; Make, Model, Year, Trim, and Engine.

Note: As with all query parameter values, the filter parameters must be URL encoded. But for readability in the request below, the encoding has been omitted. For more information about encoding request parameters, see URL encoding query parameter values.

The first line of the response is the encoded request.

GET;Make:BMW;Model:318i;Trim:Executive Sedan 4-Door;Engine:1.5L 1499CC l3 GAS DOHC Turbocharged&limit=3


If the call is successful, the items meeting the criteria are returned. The attributes that are compatible are returned in the compatibilityProperties container and the compatibilityMatch field tells you how well the item matches this vehicle.
In this example, all the items returned are an "exact" match.

Sample 11: Return Items Based on Auto-Corrected Keyword

This call searches for an item with a misspelled keyword.


The inputs are q, auto_correct, and limit.



If the call is successful, the items meeting the criteria for the auto-corrected keyword are returned.

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