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Note: This is a Limited Release(Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units. For information on how to obtain access to this API in production, see the Buy APIs Requirements.

This method searches for sold eBay items by various URI query parameters and retrieves the sales history of the items for the last 90 days. You can search by keyword, category, eBay product ID (ePID), or GTIN, or a combination of these.

This method also supports the following:

  • Filtering by the value of one or multiple fields, such as listing format, item condition, price range, location, and more. For the fields supported by this method, see the filter parameter.
  • Retrieving the refinements (metadata) of an item , such as item aspects (color, brand), condition, category, etc. using the fieldgroups parameter.
  • Filtering by item aspects and other refinements using the aspect_filter parameter.
  • Creating aspects histograms, which enables shoppers to drill down in each refinement narrowing the search results.

For details and examples of these capabilities, see Browse API in the Buying Integration Guide.

Pagination and sort controls

There are pagination controls (limit and offset fields) and sort query parameters that control/sort the data that is returned. By default, the results are sorted by "Best Match". For more information about Best Match, see the eBay help page Best Match.

URL Encoding for Parameters

Query parameter values need to be URL encoded. For details, see URL encoding query parameter values.


This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

qstringA string consisting of one or more keywords that are used to search for items on eBay. The keywords are handled as follows:
  • If the keywords are separated by a comma, it is treated as an AND. In the following example, the query returns items that have iphone AND ipad.

  • If the keywords are separated by a space, it is treated as an OR. In the following examples, the query returns items that have iphone OR ipad.

    /buy/marketplace-insights/v1_beta/item_sales/search?q=iphone&category_ids=15724 ipad
    /buy/marketplace-insights/v1_beta/item_sales/search?q=iphone, ipad&category_ids=15724
Restriction: The * wildcard character is not allowed in this field.

Required: At least 1 category_ids

Optional: Any combination of epid, gtin, or q

Occurrence: Optional

category_idsarray of stringThis query parameter specifies the category ID used to limit the result set. For example, if you search for 'shirt' the result set will be very large. But if you also include the category ID 137084, the results will be limited to 'Men's Athletic Apparel'. For example:


The list of eBay category IDs is not published and category IDs are not the same across all the eBay marketplaces. You can use the following techniques to find a category by site:

  • This field can have one category ID or a comma separated list of IDs.
  • You can use category_ids by itself or use it with any combination of the gtin, epid, and q fields, which gives you additional control over the result set.
  • Partners will be given a list of categories they can use.
  • To use a top-level (L1) category, you must also include the q, or gtin, or epid query parameter.
Maximum number of categories: 4

Occurrence: Required

filterarray of FilterFieldThis query parameter supports multiple field filters that can be used to limit/customize the result set.

The following lists the supported filters. For details and examples for all the filters, see Buy API Field Filters.

The following example filters the result set by price.

Note: To filter by price, price and priceCurrency must always be used together.

Occurrence: Optional

sortarray of SortFieldThis query parameter specifies the order and the field name to use to sort the items. To sort in descending order use - before the field name. Currently, you can only sort by price (in ascending or descending order).

If no sort parameter is submitted, the result set is sorted by "Best Match".

The following are examples of using the sort query parameter.

&sort=price Sorts by price in ascending order (lowest price first)
&sort=-price Sorts by price in descending order (highest price first)

Default: ascending

Occurrence: Optional

limitstringThis query parameter specifies the number of items from the result set returned in a single page.

Note: If a value is set in the limit field, the value of offset must be either zero or a multiple of the limit value. An error is returned for invalid values of offset.
Note: This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items in one results set.
Min: 1

Max: 200

Default: 50

Occurrence: Optional

offsetstringThis query parameter specifies the number of items to skip in the result set. This is used with the limit field to control the pagination of the output.

For example, if offset is 0 and limit is 10, the method will retrieve items 1-10 from the list of items returned; if offset is 10 and limit is 10, the method will retrieve items 11-20 from the list of items returned.

Note: The value of offset must be either zero or a multiple of the value set in the limit field. An error is returned for invalid values of offset.
Note: This method can return a maximum of 10,000 items in one results set.
Min: 0

Max: 9,999

Default: 0

Occurrence: Optional

fieldgroupsarray of stringThis query parameter lets you control what is to be returned in the response and accepts a comma separated list of values.

The default is MATCHING_ITEMS, which returns the items that match the keyword or category specified. The other values return data that can be used to create histograms. For code examples see, aspect_filter.

Valid Values:
  • ASPECT_REFINEMENTS - This returns the aspectDistributions container, which has the dominantCategoryId, matchCount, and refinementHref for the various aspects of the items found. For example, if you searched for 'Mustang', some of the aspect would be Model Year, Exterior Color, Vehicle Mileage, etc.

    Note: ASPECT_REFINEMENTS are category specific.
  • BUYING_OPTION_REFINEMENTS - This returns the buyingOptionDistributions container, which has the matchCount and refinementHref for AUCTION and FIXED_PRICE (Buy It Now) items.

    Note: Classified items are not supported.
  • CATEGORY_REFINEMENTS - This returns the categoryDistributions container, which has the categories that the item is in.
  • CONDITION_REFINEMENTS - This returns the conditionDistributions container, such as NEW, USED, etc. Within these groups are multiple states of the condition. For example, New can be New without tag, New in box, New without box, etc.
  • MATCHING_ITEMS - This is meant to be used with one or more of the refinement values above. You use this to return the specified refinements and all the matching items.
  • FULL - This returns all the refinement containers and all the matching items.
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.


Occurrence: Optional

aspect_filterAspectFilterThis query parameter lets you filter by item aspects. The aspect name/value pairs and category, which is required, is used to limit the results to specific aspects of the item. For example, in a clothing category one aspect pair would be Color/Red. The results are returned in the refinement container.

For example, the method below uses the category ID for Women's Clothing. This will return only sold items for a woman's red or blue shirt.


To get a list of the aspects pairs and the category, which is returned in the dominantCategoryId field, set fieldgroups to ASPECT_REFINEMENTS.


Format: aspectName:{value1|value2}

Required: The category ID is required twice; once as a URI parameter and as part of the aspect_filter parameter.

Occurrence: Optional

epidstringThe ePID is the eBay product identifier of a product from the eBay product catalog. This query parameter limits the results to only items in the specified ePID.


You can use the product_summary/search method in the Catalog API to search for the ePID of the product.

Required: At least 1 category_ids

Maximum: 1 epid

Optional: Any combination of epid, gtin, or q

Occurrence: Optional

gtinstringThis query parameter lets you search by the Global Trade Item Number of the item as defined by This can be a UPC (Universal Product Code), EAN (European Article Number), or an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) value.


Required: At least 1 category_ids

Maximum: 1 gtin

Optional: Any combination of epid, gtin, or q

Occurrence: Optional

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

The table below shows additional HTTP request headers that are either required, conditionally required, or strongly recommended for this method. Other standard HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page (not in this table) can also be used, but they are optional.

X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTXstringThis header is required to support revenue sharing for eBay Partner Network and to improve the accuracy of shipping and delivery time estimations.

If you are an eBay Network Partner you must use affiliateCampaignId=ePNCampaignId,affiliateReferenceId=referenceId in the header in order to be paid for selling eBay items on your site.

For additional information, refer to Use request headers.

Occurrence: Optional

X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-IDstringThis header identifies the seller's eBay marketplace.

See HTTP request headers for the marketplace ID values.

Occurrence: Required

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the client credentials grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

{ /* SalesHistoryPagedCollection<ItemSales> */
"href" : "string",
"limit" : "integer",
"next" : "string",
"prev" : "string",

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription

The URI of the current page of results from the result set.

The following example returns items 1 thru 5 from the list of items found.

Occurrence: Always

itemSalesarray of ItemSales

The type that defines the fields for a paginated result set of the sold items. The response consists of 0 or more sequenced result sets where each result sets has 0 or more items.

Note: For items with multiple quantities that might result in multiple transactions, and items with the SELLER_DEFINED_VARIATIONS group type that might result in multiple transactions, only one deduped transaction is returned in the search results.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemSales.additionalImagesarray of Image

An array of containers with the URLs for the images that are in addition to the primary image. The primary image is returned in the image.imageUrl field.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


This indicates if the item is for adults only. For more information about adult-only items on eBay, see Adult items policy for sellers and Adult-Only items on eBay for buyers.

Occurrence: Always


This integer value indicates the total number of bids that have been placed for an auction item. This field is only returned for auction items.

Occurrence: Conditional

itemSales.buyingOptionsarray of string

A comma separated list of the purchase options available for the item, such as FIXED_PRICE, AUCTION.

  • FIXED_PRICE - Returned for fixed-price items (non-auction)
  • AUCTION - Returned for auction items without Buy It Now feature
  • FIXED_PRICE and AUCTION - Returned for auction items enabled with the Buy It Now feature
Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Always

itemSales.categoriesarray of Category

This container returns the primary category ID of the item, as well as the secondary category if the item was listed in two categories.

Occurrence: Always


The unique identifier of the primary item category of the item, as well as the secondary item category if item was listed in two categories.

Occurrence: Always


The text describing the condition of the item, such as New or Used. For a list of condition names, see Item Condition IDs and Names.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the condition of the item. For example, 1000 is the identifier for NEW. For a list of condition names and IDs, see Item Condition IDs and Names.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Always


An ePID is the eBay product identifier of a product from the eBay product catalog. This indicates the product in which the item belongs.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the primary image of the item.

Occurrence: Always


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL to the View Item page of the item, which includes the affiliate tracking ID. This field is only returned if the eBay partner enables affiliate tracking for the item by including the X-EBAY-C-ENDUSERCTX request header in the method.

Occurrence: Conditional


The HATEOAS reference of the parent page of the item group. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Note: This field is returned only for item groups.

Occurrence: Conditional


Indicates the item group type. An item group is an item that has various aspect differences, such as color, size, storage capacity, etc.

Currently, only the SELLER_DEFINED_VARIATIONS group type is supported and indicates that this is an item group created by the seller.

Note: This field is returned only for item groups.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URI of the item.

Occurrence: Always


The unique RESTful identifier of the item.

Occurrence: Always


This container returns the postal code and country of the location of the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


The first line of the street address.

Occurrence: Conditional


The second line of the street address. This field may contain such values as an apartment or suite number.

Occurrence: Conditional


The city in which the item is located.

Occurrence: Conditional


The two-letter ISO 3166 standard code that indicates the country in which the item is located.

Occurrence: Always


The county in which the item is located.

Occurrence: Conditional


The postal code (or zip code in US) where the item is located.

Note: Beginning in late January 2020, the displayed postal code will be masked to all users. Different countries will mask postal/zip codes in slightly different ways, but an example would be 951**.

Occurrence: Always


The state or province in which the item is located.

Occurrence: Always


The URL to the View Item page of the item.

Occurrence: Always


The date the last item was purchased within the last 90 days. The totalSoldQuantity returns the total number of items that were sold. This field returns the date the last item in that group was sold.

Occurrence: Always


The sold price of the last item purchased within the last 90 days.

The totalSoldQuantity returns the total number of items that were sold. This field returns the date the last item in that group was sold.

Note: The price includes the value-added tax (VAT) for applicable jurisdictions when requested from supported marketplaces. In this case, users must pass the X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID request header specifying the supported marketplace (such as EBAY_GB) to see VAT-inclusive pricing. For more information on VAT, refer to VAT Obligations in the EU.

Occurrence: Always


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the convertedFromValue field. This value represents the pre-conversion currency.

Occurrence: Conditional


The monetary amount before any conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedFromCurrency field. The value field contains the converted amount of this value, in the currency specified by the currency field.

Occurrence: Conditional


A three-letter ISO 4217 code that indicates the currency of the amount in the value field. This value represents the post-conversion currency of the amount in the value field.

Occurrence: Always


The monetary value in the currency specified in the currency field.

Occurrence: Always


This container returns basic information about the seller of the item, such as name, feedback score, etc.

Occurrence: Always


The percentage of the total positive feedback.

Occurrence: Always


The feedback score of the seller. This value is based on the ratings from eBay members that bought items from this seller.

Occurrence: Always


The username created by the seller for use on eBay.

Occurrence: Always

itemSales.thumbnailImagesarray of Image

An array of thumbnail images for the item.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The URL of the image.

Occurrence: Conditional


Reserved for future use.

Occurrence: Conditional


The seller-created title of the item.

Maximum Length: 80 characters

Occurrence: Always


The total number of this item that have been sold.

Occurrence: Always


The number of items returned on a single page from the result set. This value can be set in the request with the limit query parameter.

Occurrence: Always


The URI for the following page of results. This value is returned only if there is an additional page of results to display from the result set.

Max length: 2048

Occurrence: Conditional


The number of results skipped in the result set before listing the first returned result. This value can be set in the request with the offset query parameter.

Occurrence: Always


The URI for the preceding page of results. This value is returned only if there is a previous page of results to display from the result set.

Max length: 2048

Occurrence: Conditional


The container for all the search refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional

refinement.aspectDistributionsarray of AspectDistribution

A array of containers for the all the aspect refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional

refinement.aspectDistributions.aspectValueDistributionsarray of AspectValueDistribution

An array of containers for the various values of the aspect and the match count and a HATEOAS reference ( refinementHref) for this aspect.

Occurrence: Conditional


The value of an aspect. For example, Red is a value for the aspect Color.

Occurrence: Always


The number of items with this aspect.

Occurrence: Always


A HATEOAS reference for this aspect.

Occurrence: Always


Name of an aspect, such as Brand, Color, etc.

Occurrence: Conditional

refinement.buyingOptionDistributionsarray of BuyingOptionDistribution

A array of containers for the all the buying option refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional


Occurrence: Conditional


The number of items having this buying option.

Occurrence: Always


The HATEOAS reference for this buying option.

Occurrence: Always

refinement.categoryDistributionsarray of CategoryDistribution

A array of containers for the all the category refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the category.

Occurrence: Always


The name of the category, such as Baby & Toddler Clothing.

Occurrence: Always


The number of items in this category.

Occurrence: Always


The HATEOAS reference of this category.

Occurrence: Always

refinement.conditionDistributionsarray of ConditionDistribution

A array of containers for the all the condition refinements.

Occurrence: Conditional


The text describing the condition of the item, such as New or Used. For a list of condition names, see ConditionEnum.

Code so that your app gracefully handles any future changes to this list.

Occurrence: Conditional


The identifier of the condition. For example, 1000 is the identifier for NEW.

Occurrence: Always


The number of items having the condition.

Occurrence: Always


The HATEOAS reference of this condition.

Occurrence: Always


The identifier of the category that most of the items are part of.

Occurrence: Always


The total number of items retrieved in the result set.

If no items are found, this field is returned with a value of 0.

Note: total is just an indicator of the number of listings for a given query. It could vary based on the number of listings with variations included in the result. It is strongly recommended that total not be used in pagination use cases. Instead, use next to determine the results on the next page.

Occurrence: Always

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

100000API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay developer support for assistance.
100001API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe call must have a valid 'q', 'category_ids', 'epid' or 'gtin' query parameter.
100002API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe 'offset' value is invalid. Offset cannot be negative and must be an integer.
100003API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe 'limit' value should be between 1 and 200 (inclusive).
100004API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSBUSINESSThe category specified is a top-level category. To use this category, you must include a keyword or epid or gtin.
100005API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSBUSINESSCurrently, the {marketplaceId} marketplace is not supported. The supported Marketplaces are: {allowedMarketplaces} .
100006API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe 'sort' value is invalid. For the valid values, refer to the API call documentation.
100007API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTA valid 'price' filter and a valid 'priceCurrency' filter is required to filter based on price.
100008API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe 'epid' value {epid} is invalid. For more information, see the API call reference documentation.
100009API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe 'gtin' value {gtin} is invalid. Please input a valid UPC, EAN, or ISBN value.
100010API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThis keyword search results in a response that is too large to return. Either change the keyword or add additional query parameters and/or filters.
100011API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe {filterName} value is invalid. For the valid values, refer to the API call documentation.
100012API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe 'fieldgroups' value {fieldgroups} is invalid. The supported fieldgroups are: {supportedFieldgroups}
100013API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe 'aspect_filter' query parameter must include a categoryId. For more information, see the API call reference documentation.
100014API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe {aspectFilter} aspect_filter value is invalid. For more information, see the API call reference documentation.
100015API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSBUSINESSThe category {categoryId} is not supported.
100016API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSBUSINESSThe 'fieldgroups' value {fieldgroups} is invalid when multiple 'category_ids' are specified. Either change the call to have only one value in 'category_ids' or remove the 'fieldgroups'.
100017API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTInsufficient permissions to use this API.
100018API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThis query requires at least one category.
100019API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTYou have exceeded the maximum number of categories. The maximum number is {categorySizeLimit}.
100020API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe header 'X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID' is required. The valid Marketplaces are: {allowedMarketplaces}.
100021API_MARKETPLACE_INSIGHTSREQUESTThe maximum number of listings that can be retrieved is 10,000, so your offset value must be less than 10,000. If 10,000 or more listings are matching your search criteria, consider narrowing the scope of your search.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Get Item Sales History using Search

This call searches for iPhones that have been sold.


The input is the search keyword and the category ID.



This call returns the sales history of iPhones.

Sample 2: Get Item Sales History by Keyword and Condition

This call searches for iPhone that have been sold and filters the results by condition.


The input is the keyword, category ID, and the condition.



This call returns the sales history for iPhones in New condition.

Sample 3: Get Item Sales History by Product

This call searches for items that have been sold in the eBay product 241067840, or 228707839 which is the product ID for the "Nest E Programmable Thermostat in White".


The input is the ePID for the product and the category ID.



This call returns the sales history for White Nest E Programmable Thermostats.

Sample 4: Get Item Sales History Filtered by Price

This call searches for iPhones that have been sold for $200 through $220 inclusive.


The input is a keyword, the category ID, price range, and currency.



This call returns the sales history for iPhones that sold within the specified price range.

Sample 5: Get Item Sales History by Category and Filtered by Item Aspect

This call searches for items sold in the Cell Phones & Smartphones category (9355) and work on the AT&T network.


The input is the category ID and the item aspect.



This call returns the sales history for mobile phones that work on the specified network.

Sample 6: Get Item Aspects of Sold Items

This call searches for iPhones that have been sold and returns the item aspects of these items.


The input is the a keyword, the category ID, and field group.



This call returns the item aspects of the iPhones that have been sold.

Sample 7: Get the Items and Item Aspects of Sold Items

This call searches for iPhones that have been sold and returns the item and the item aspects of these items.


The input is the a keyword and field group.



This call returns the items and the item aspects of the iPhones that have been sold.

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