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The API release history

The following table lists recent Finances API releases. For older releases, refer to the Finances API release notes archive.

Release Version Release Date Description of Release
Version 1.17.2 2024-04-08 A new enumeration value has been added to FeeTypeEnum.
Version 1.17.1 2024-03-12 A new purchase transaction type is now supported for the getTransactions and getTransactionSummary methods.
Version 1.17.0 2023-11-15 The following changes are included in the release.
  • Added new field donations in type OrderLineItem.
  • Added new enum value CHARITY_DONATION in FeeTypeEnum.
  • Added new types Tax and TaxTypeEnum and a new field taxes in type Transaction.
Version 1.16.0 2023-08-28 Added support for split payouts for sellers in mainland China.
Version 1.15.0 2022-11-10 Support has been added for the withholding of income tax at the State and Province level.
Version 1.14.1 2022-10-19 EU and UK Payments regulations now require Digital Signatures to be included in HTTP payloads for all Finances API methods.
Version 1.14.0 2022-10-17 This release adds support for eBay Seller Capital loan repayments and the reporting of taxes collected by eBay at the account level.
Version 1.13.0 2022-09-21 A new enumeration value has been added to FeeTypeEnum.
Version 1.12.0 2022-06-08 A new enumeration value has been added to the FeeTypeEnum for the getTransactions method.
Version 1.11.0 2022-05-05 Added support for reporting the automatic deduction of withholding/income taxes from specified regions.
Version 1.10.0 2022-03-07

A new withdrawal transaction type is now supported in getTransactions and getTransactionSummary methods.

A new enumeration value has been added to the ReferenceTypeEnum for the getTransactions method.

Version 1.17.2

New Features

The following new feature was added with this release.

New enumeration value added to FeeTypeEnum

The following enumeration value has been added to FeeTypeEnum for the getTransactions, getPayout, and getPayouts methods:

  • REGULATORY_OPERATING_FEE: the fee charged by eBay to cover the costs associated with complying with regulatory requirements in specific marketplaces.

Version 1.17.1

New Features

The following new feature was added with this release.

New PURCHASE transaction type added to getTransactions and getTransactionSummary

A new transaction type, PURCHASE, is now supported by the getTransactions and getTransactionSummary methods. This transaction type involves the use of a seller's own spendable funds to shop on eBay.

To support this new feature, the following schema was added:

  • getTransactionSummary has added the following response fields:
    • purchaseCount: total purchase count initiated by the seller using spendable funds.
    • purchaseAmount: total purchase amount for all purchases initiated by the seller using spendable funds.
    • purchaseBookingEntry: the enum value here indicates whether it is a debit or a credit.
  • TransactionTypeEnum: a new PURCHASE value was added to this type. This value may be used in the getTransactions or getTransactionSummary methods if transactionType is used as a filter.

Version 1.17.0

The following changes are included in the release.

  • Added new field donations in type OrderLineItem to show charitable donations against a sale in getTransactions method.
  • Added new enum value CHARITY_DONATION in FeeTypeEnum.
  • Added new types Tax and TaxTypeEnum and a new field taxes in type Transaction to show tax that is applied to purchased shipping labels.

Version 1.16.0

New Features

The following feature has been added for this release: 

Support for split payouts for sellers in mainland China

Sellers in mainland China can now configure split payouts between two separate payment instruments, such as between a bank account and Payoneer. Three existing methods in the Finances API have been updated to support the implementation of split payouts for sellers in Mainland China: getPayout, getPayouts, and getTransactions.

getPayout Schema Updates

The following response fields have been added to the getPayout method:

  • amount.convertedToValue: Returns the monetary value after conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field.

  • amount.convertedToCurrency: Returns the code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

  • payoutInstrument.payoutPercentage: Returns the current payout percentage allocated to a payout instrument with the payouts.

  • payoutReference: Returns the unique payout reference identifier in split-payout cases.

getPayouts Schema Updatess

The following response fields have been added to the getPayouts method:

  • amount.convertedToValue: Returns the monetary value after conversion is performed, in the currency specified by the convertedToCurrency field.

  • amount.convertedToCurrency: Returns the code representing the currency of the amount in the convertedToValue field.

  • payouts.payoutInstrument.payoutPercentage: Returns the current payout percentage allocated to a payout instrument with the payouts.

  • payouts.payoutReference: Returns the unique payout reference identifier in split-payout cases.

The following response field has been modified based on the introduction of split payouts: 

  • payouts.transactionCount: Returns the number of monetary transactions that have occurred with the corresponding payout. For a split payout scenario, each of the two sibling payouts would be considered its own transaction.

In addition, the payoutReference filter can be applied to split-payout cases to allow users to control the payouts that are returned in the response.

getTransactions Schema Updates

The following type and response fields have been added to the getTransactions method:

  • payoutDetails: This type provides details for a split-payout case.

  • payoutDetails.payoutReference: Returns the unique identifier reference.

  • payoutdetails.payoutIds: Returns the list of true(actual) payout ids associated with a split payout.

  • transaction.payoutid: Returns the unique identifier associated with a monetary transaction.

In addition, the payoutReference filter parameter can be used to allow users to control the transactions that are returned in the response for split-payout cases.

Version 1.15.0

eBay is required to withhold income tax for all US sellers with cumulative transactions of more than 600.00 USD within the current tax year.

To support this requirement at the state level, the following schema have been added:

  • A new enumeration value has been added to RegionTypeEnum:
    • STATE_OR_PROVINCE: indicates the governing jurisdiction is a state or province.

Version 1.14.1

Due to EU and UK Payments regulatory requirements, an additional security verification via Digital Signatures is required for all Finances API methods called on behalf of EU/UK sellers. Refer to Digital Signatures for APIs for information about creating signatures to be included in the HTTP payload.

Version 1.14.0

New Features

The following new features have been added with this release.

eBay Seller Capital loan repayments

eBay Seller Capital loan repayments are now supported.

Note: eBay Seller Capital is only available in select marketplaces. Refer to Marketplace availability for eBay Seller Capital funding program for current marketplace eligibility and support.

To support eBay Seller Capital, the following schema have been added:

  • A new enumeration value has been added to TransactionTypeEnum:
    • LOAN_REPAYMENT: identifies loan repayment transactions.
  • A new enumeration value has been added to ReferenceTypeEnum:
    • LOAN_REPAYMENT_ID: This enumeration value indicates that an ID is the unique identifier of a LOAN_REPAYMENT transaction.
  • The following response fields have been added to the getTransactionSummary method:
    • loanRepaymentCount: the total number of LOAN_REPAYMENT transactions.
    • loanRepaymentAmount: the total net amount of all LOAN_REPAYMENT transactions to a specified payee within the specified time period.
    • loanRepaymentBookingEntry: this enumeration value indicates whether a LOAN_REPAYMENT transaction is a DEBIT from, or a CREDIT to, the seller's account.

The getTransactions method now returns the amount of tax collected by eBay at the account level.

To support this new feature, the following response field has been added to the getTransactions method:

  • eBayCollectedTaxAmount

Version 1.13.0

New Features

The following new feature was added with this release.

New enumeration value added to FeeTypeEnum

The following enumeration value has been added to FeeTypeEnum for the getTransactions, getPayout, and getPayouts methods:

  • EXPRESS_PAYOUT_FEE: the fee charged by eBay when a seller requests a payout through a debit card.

Version 1.12.0

New Features

The following new feature was added with this release.

New enumeration values added to FeeTypeEnum

The following enumeration value has been added to FeeTypeEnum:

  • DEPOSIT_PROCESSING_FEE: the fee charged to a seller when they sell a motor vehicle and require a deposit from the buyer.

Version 1.11.0

New Features

The following new feature was added with this release.

getTransactions method now returns region-specific income and withholding taxes

The getTransactions method now returns mandatory region-specific fees that are automatically deducted from sellers' payouts.

To support this feature, the new response container feeJurisdiction has been added to getTransactions. feeJurisdiction includes the following fields which provide information about region-specific fees that are charged to sellers:

  • regionType: Enumeration value that returns the type of region that is collecting the corresponding fee.
  • regionName: String value that indicates the name of the region to which a region-specific fee applies.

New RegionTypeEnum

RegionTypeEnum is a new type used to indicate the type of governing jurisdiction requiring the fee to be deducted from a seller's payout.

New enumeration values added to FeeTypeEnum

The following three enumeration values have been added to FeeTypeEnum:

  • INCOME_TAX_WITHHOLDING: the required income tax amount that has been deducted.
  • TAX_DEDUCTION_AT_SOURCE: the required tax amount that has been deducted.
  • VAT_WITHHOLDING: the required VAT amount that has been deducted.

Version 1.10.0

New Features

The following new feature was added with this release

New WITHDRAWAL transaction type added to getTransactions and getTransactionSummary

A new transaction type, WITHDRAWAL, is now supported by the getTransactions and getTransactionSummary methods. This new type tracks on-demand payout information. With on-demand payouts, the seller can withdraw money from the available funds balance.

Note: The WITHDRAWAL transaction type is currently only available to a limited set of sellers.

To support this new feature, the following schema was added:

  • getTransactionSummary has added the following response fields:
    • withdrawalCount: total withdrawal count initiated by the seller.
    • withdrawalAmount: total withdrawal amount for all withdrawals initiated by the seller.
    • withdrawalBookingEntry: the enum value here indicates whether it is a debit or a credit.
  • TransactionTypeEnum a new WITHDRAWAL value was added to this type. This value may be used in a getTransactions or getTransactionSummary method if transactionType is used as a filter in these methods.

New enumeration value added to ReferenceTypeEnum

Additional support for the getTransactions method response has been added with the following new enumeration value added to the ReferenceTypeEnum:

  • PAYOUT_ID: This enumeration value indicates that the ID provided refers to the unique identifier of a payout.

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