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Use this method to return an array of customer service metric tasks. You can limit the tasks returned by specifying a date range.

Note: You can pass in either the look_back_days or date_range, but not both.


Resource URI


This method is supported in Sandbox environment. To access the endpoint, just replace the root URI with

URI parameters

feed_typestringThe feed type associated with the tasks being retrieved. The only presently supported value is CUSTOMER_SERVICE_METRICS_REPORT.

Occurrence: Required

look_back_daysintegerThe number of previous days in which to search for tasks. Do not use with the date_range parameter. If both date_range and look_back_days are omitted, this parameter's default value is used.

Default value: 7

Range: 1-90 (inclusive)

Occurrence: Optional

date_rangestringThe task creation date range. The results are filtered to include only tasks with a creation date that is equal to the dates specified or is within the specified range. Do not use with the look_back_days parameter.

Format: UTC

For example, tasks within a range:


Tasks created on March 8, 2020


Maximum: 90 days

Occurrence: Optional

limitintegerThe number of customer service metric tasks to return per page of the result set. Use this parameter in conjunction with the offset parameter to control the pagination of the output.

For example, if offset is set to 10 and limit is set to 10, the call retrieves tasks 11 thru 20 from the result set.

If this parameter is omitted, the default value is used.

Note:This feature employs a zero-based list, where the first item in the list has an offset of 0.

Default: 10

Maximum: 500

Occurrence: Optional

offsetintegerThe number of customer service metric tasks to skip in the result set before returning the first task in the paginated response.

Combine offset with the limit query parameter to control the items returned in the response. For example, if you supply an offset of 0 and a limit of 10, the first page of the response contains the first 10 items from the complete list of items retrieved by the call. If offset is 10 and limit is 20, the first page of the response contains items 11-30 from the complete result set.

Default: 0

Occurrence: Optional

HTTP request headers

All requests made to eBay REST operations require you to provide the Authorization HTTP header for authentication authorization.

All other standard RESTful request headers are optional. For more information on standard RESTful request headers, see the HTTP request headers- opens rest request components page table.

OAuth scope

This request requires an access token created with the authorization code grant flow, using one or more scopes from the following list (please check your Application Keys page for a list of OAuth scopes available to your application):

See OAuth access tokens for more information.

Request payload

This call has no payload.

Request fields

This call has no field definitions.


HTTP response headers

This call has no response headers.

Response payload

Response fields

Output container/fieldTypeDescription

The URI of the current page of results.

Occurrence: Always


The value of the limit parameter submitted in the request, which is the maximum number of tasks to return per page, from the result set. A result set is the complete set of tasks returned by the method.

Note: Even though this parameter is not required to be submitted in the request, the parameter defaults to 10 if omitted.

Note: If this is the last or only page of the result set, the page may contain fewer tasks than the limit value. To determine the number of pages in a result set, divide the total value (total number of tasks matching input criteria) by this limit value, and then round up to the next integer. For example, if the total value was 120 (120 total tasks) and the limit value was 50 (show 50 tasks per page), the total number of pages in the result set is three, so the seller would have to make three separate getCustomerServiceMetricTasks calls to view all tasks matching the input criteria.

Occurrence: Always


The relative path to the call URI for the next page of results. This value is returned if there is an additional page of results to return from the result set.

Occurrence: Conditional


The number of results skipped in the result set before returning the first result. This value can be set in the request with the offset query parameter.

Note: The items in a paginated result set use a zero-based list where the first item in the list has an offset of 0.

Occurrence: Always


The URI for the previous page of results. This parameter is returned if a previous page of results from the result set exists.

Occurrence: Conditional

tasksarray of ServiceMetricsTask

An array of the customer service tasks on this page. The tasks are sorted by creation date. An empty array is returned if the filter criteria excludes all tasks.

Occurrence: Always


The timestamp when the customer service metrics task went into the COMPLETED or COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR state. This field is only returned if the status is one of the two completed values. This state means that eBay has compiled the report for the seller based on the seller’s filter criteria, and the seller can run a getResultFile call to download the report.

Occurrence: Conditional


The date the customer service metrics task was created.

Occurrence: Always


The relative getCustomerServiceMetricTask call URI path to retrieve the corresponding task.

Occurrence: Always


The feed type associated with the task.

Occurrence: Always


This container shows the criteria set for the report.

Occurrence: Always


An enumeration value that specifies the customer service metric that eBay tracks to measure seller performance.

See CustomerServiceMetricTypeEnum for values.

Occurrence: Always


An enumeration value that specifies the eBay marketplace where the evaluation occurs.

See MarketplaceIdEnum for values.

Occurrence: Always

tasks.filterCriteria.listingCategoriesarray of string

A list of listing category IDs on which the service metric is measured. A seller can use one or more L1 (top-level) eBay categories to get metrics specific to those L1 categories. The Category IDs for each L1 category are required. Category ID values for L1 categories can be retrieved using the Taxonomy API.

Note: Pass this attribute to narrow down your filter results for the ITEM_NOT_AS_DESCRIBED customerServiceMetricType.

Supported categories include:

primary(L1) category Id

Occurrence: Conditional

tasks.filterCriteria.shippingRegionsarray of ShippingRegionTypeEnum

A list of shipping region enumeration values on which the service metric is measured. This comma delimited array allows the seller to customize the report to focus on domestic or international shipping.

Note: Pass this attribute to narrow down your filter results for the ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED customerServiceMetricType.

Supported categories include:

primary(L1) category Id

See ShippingRegionTypeEnum for values

Occurrence: Conditional


The schema version number of the file format. If omitted, the default value is used.

Default value: 1.0

Occurrence: Always


An enumeration value that indicates the state of the task. See FeedStatusEnum for values.

Occurrence: Always


The unique eBay-assigned ID of the task.

Occurrence: Always


The total number of tasks that match the criteria.

Occurrence: Always

HTTP status codes

This call can return one of the following HTTP status codes. For an overview of the status codes, see HTTP status codes in Using eBay RESTful APIs.

400Bad Request
500Internal Server Error

Error codes

For more on errors, plus the codes of other common errors, see Handling errors.

160001API_FEEDAPPLICATIONThere was a problem with an eBay internal system or process. Contact eBay Developer Technical Support for assistance.
160002API_FEEDREQUESTThe authentication scope {scope} is incorrect for 'feed_type' {feedType}. Refer to documentation for details about the scopes.
160005API_FEEDREQUESTBoth 'feed_type' and 'schedule_id' were provided. Please remove one of them.
160006API_FEEDREQUESTThe 'feed_type' {feedTypeValue} is invalid.
160008API_FEEDREQUESTBoth 'look_back_days' and 'date_range' were provided. Please remove one of them.
160009API_FEEDREQUESTThe format of the 'date_range' is invalid. The format for a date range is yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ..yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ.
160010API_FEEDREQUESTThe 'date_range' must be less than or equal to 90 days.
160011API_FEEDREQUESTThe 'look_back_days' value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 90.
160012API_FEEDREQUESTThe 'limit' value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 500.
160013API_FEEDREQUESTThe 'offset' value cannot be less than zero.
160029API_FEEDREQUESTThe 'offset' value must be a multiple of the 'limit' value.


This call has no warnings.


New to making API calls? Please see Making a Call.

Note: Identifiers, such as order IDs or user IDs, and personal data in these samples might be anonymized or may no longer be active on eBay. If necessary, substitute current, relevant eBay data in your requests.

Sample 1: Retrieve Customer Service Metric Tasks

This call retrieves an array of customer service metric tasks based on the specified criteria.


The input is the feed_type.



If the call is successful, the output is an array of tasks and the details for each task, such as the taskId, status, feedType, filterCriteria, and other details.

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